Thursday, 21 July 2011

New Beginnings

Korendis slammed his fist into the console. "god damn it all" he stared again at the words on the screen.

A few minutes ago I received the last and final order.
BMC will be shut down.

The group who gave him a reason to carry on after his loss of faith in the empire was to be no more.
This really was the end. No 11th hour reprieve would come,  the founder and executor of The Blood Money Cartel, Skira Ranos, would not relent; the decision was irrevocable and the cartel would be shut down.
The sadness and anger Korendis felt was tempered only by his determination. This will not be the end, my brothers in the cartel will not be cast adrift alone into the universe.
Soon the seed of an idea had grown into something more, the paperwork was done, the documents signed, position of CEO of Blood Money Dark Angels was transferred to Korendis and he would forge something new from the ashes of the cartel.

So, The Blood Money Cartel [BMC] is no more. I am very saddened by this. When I restarted EVE in September 2010, I decided rather quickly that piracy would be my career of choice. I looked around for a pirate corp who would accept PvP novices and train them to be fearsome pirates. BMC fitted the bill, and I found after their rather harrowing application procedure that they were a great bunch of guys, knowledgeable, friendly, bloodthirsty and funny. Since then BMC has become almost a second family to me. However, we have recently had several officers go MIA. Either through RL issues, boredom with EVE or moving on to new things within New Eden.
Our Acting Executor Adrian Schultz has been doing a great job, but the strain of nearly two years of training up new recruits only to have them move on once they have become competent pirates has become too much for him and he has decided to step down. It was not possible to find someone Skira, knew or trusted well enough, or with the experience to run a training programme,  or who actually wanted to do the job. So the decision has been taken to close things now while the cartel still has a good reputation rather than see it become a shadow of its former self, limping along until it is forced to close with a whimper of ignominy.   
I have taken on the leadership of the Blood Money Dark Angels [BMDA], our former corp for mission alts, in order to give a home to the members left without a corp due to the closure a place to be.
Time will tell whether this is a temporary measure and people can be allowed to find a new home at their own pace, or whether I can grow the corp into a feared and respected organisation in its own right.

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