Sunday, 7 August 2011


Korendis stared at the door from his quarters, as much as he wanted to go through it, to find a drink, and maybe a woman, his month long expedition into W-space had left him utterly weary. Tomorrow, I’ll do it tomorrow.
Drifting off to sleep he couldn't help but remember another similar door.
“Enter” came the admirals terse command “Take a seat.”
Easing into the guest chair, across the luxurious antique desk from the admiral, he couldn't help but notice the man’s expression. The same one his families slaves had when set to a distasteful task.
“I have completed your performance review. Your scores were all excellent as usual, you still have a tendency to interpret orders in a rather more creative way than your superiors may intend, but you generally show excellent judgement and complete your assignments well within desired parameters.”
“However, I do not feel that at this time you are suited for promotion.”
Korendis was speechless, he knew he had the best combat record of any of his contemporaries.
“Maybe when you have a little more experience  we will be able to find a suitable command for you” the admiral said, just as he had at the last review.
“Anyway, I have a new assignment for you. You are to proceed to our logistic support station in Youl and report to Captain Mabat, he will brief you”
“Captain Mabat?”
“Yes, I just gave Pavari his promotion, his father Senator Mabat requested him specifically for this assignment”
No wonder the bastard had looked so smug when Korendis had seen him earlier. His aristocratic family had obviously pulled some strings to get him promoted, Korendis knew that Pavari Mabat's combat record was much poorer than his own. He choked back the comment he was about to make.
“I had better prepare my ship for departure then admiral, unless there is anything else?”
“I believe that is everything, you are dismissed.”
That couldn't be more true seethed Korendis. He rose and saluted.
“Long live the Empress”
The admiral waved his hand in dismissal, already turning back to his monitor.
Korendis awoke, the bitter memory still hurting after all this time.
He checked his chronometer, he had only dozed for a few minutes. Screw it he thought, as he pulled on his crumpled jacket, there's still time for that drink.

I’ve been spending quite a lot of time in eve recently staring at a door. I generally dual box, so running captains quarters is pretty much impossible, the performance hit is just not worth it.
Of course I’ve spent the last few weeks living out of a POS, so it wasn’t that much of an issue anyway, but when docked in the NPC stations I still find it frustrating to not be able to tell which character is on which screen at a glance from looking at the ship as I could previously. And more than once I’ve undocked the right character in the wrong ship
I’m not going to do an in-depth discussion of what incarna was and wasn’t, honestly its been done to death.
But I did put a poll up on a couple of forums, just out of interest, to get some idea how many people were using CQ. And I thought I would post the results here since I cant believe I am the only person interested. Obviously the numbers are rather low and responders are self selected so I make no claim to accuracy, but it would be interesting to see CCP’s numbers on how many people are using it overall.

The results:
Using CQ: 7
Not using CQ 22
Using CQ sometimes: 7

I didn’t format the polls the same, which was stupid, but the majority of those not using it gave performance issues as the main reason. Either just straight performance or the increased loading times.

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